Author Danny Bernstein is a hiker, hike leader, and outdoor writer who has published two Southern Appalachian hiking guides. In addition, her books include The Mountains-to-Sea Trail across North Carolina and DuPont Forest: A History. An Appalachian Trail 2000-miler and enthusiastic CMC member, she leads hikes in the Carolina mountains and writes about the outdoors from her home in Asheville, N.C.
Carolina Mountain Club: One Hundred Years can be purchased online through Friends of Mountains-to-Sea Trail, in-store at Mast General Store, at Malaprop’s, and other Asheville retailers.
The Carolina Mountain Club (CMC) proudly announces the release from local author Danny Bernstein, Carolina Mountain Club: One Hundred Years, available April 1, 2023.
Through the voices of its passionate members, discover the story of hiking, trail maintenance, and land protection in western North Carolina. “It’s all here: from the way the land shaped the people, to the way the people shaped the club, to the way the club shaped how and where outdoor enthusiasts recreate in the mountains of the southeastern United States,” says Leonard M. Adkins, author of Hiking and Traveling the Blue Ridge Parkway.